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DANGER!! Hackers Could Manipulate Electronic Book

DANGER!! Hackers Could Manipulate Electronic Book

California´s trucking industry is under a grave threat due to critical vulnerabilities in Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs). A recent investigation led by Professor Jeremy Daily of Colorado State University has unveiled the alarming ease with which hackers can access and manipulate key truck functions, such as the throttle, while the truck is in motion.

Daily, along with researchers Rik Chatterjee and Jake Jepson, have made a chilling discovery. They found that it takes mere seconds to hack an ELD by driving alongside a truck. Jepson was able to disassemble an ELD and uncover the default Wi-Fi password, enabling him to develop malicious firmware capable of infecting not just one truck but an entire fleet. This worm, aptly named for its ability to spread from one ELD to another, could trigger a devastating chain reaction by infecting nearby ELDs.

One of the most serious concerns is the spread of malware among trucks, especially in settings where they congregate, such as truck stops and rest areas. The worm can quickly spread among trucks connected to the same Wi-Fi network, posing significant road safety and logistics risks.

The study also highlighted the need for more regulation regarding ELD cybersecurity. Although hundreds of certified models exist, the certification process is minimal, and manufacturers only need to self-certify. This means that many ELDs share similar technology and potential vulnerabilities. The researchers warned that some manufacturers rename identical models with slight variations, making identifying and resolving vulnerabilities difficult.

To protect against these threats, truck drivers and fleet owners can take proactive measures:

  • Keep ELDs Updated: Changing default passwords to more secure ones and ensuring firmware is current is crucial.
  • Avoid Unsecured Connections: It´s advisable not to use public Wi-Fi networks. Instead, use encrypted connections and ensure that the ELD is not accessible from unauthorized networks.
  • Promote Adoption of Secure ELDs: Encourage manufacturers to raise their security standards.

While these findings are indeed alarming, there is a glimmer of hope. The industry has demonstrated a readiness to tackle these issues, and manufacturers are initiating efforts to enhance ELD cybersecurity. However, it is of utmost importance that authorities and the trucking industry take swift and decisive steps to ensure the safety and reliability of these devices.

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Transport and Technology


Edic.: 202
Autor: El Trailero Magazine
Date: 5/2024
