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Care Tips for Truckers during COVID-19

Care Tips for Truckers during COVID-19

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the truckers’ routine has changed, in addition to their usual concerns, there are now increased levels of hygiene, constant hand washing, physical distancing, mask’s protection and the use of latex or silicone gloves, for a better care. All of this is called PPE (Personal Protective Equipment). We will share best protection practices:

1- Wash your hands continuously. - The most effective method to eliminate the virus is to wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds. Warm Water works more efficently that cold. Use paper towels to dry your hands.

2- Use of alcohol gel with a minimum concentration of 70%. - Only recommended when truck drivers cannot wash their hands. It’s better use it after each contact with the wire rope installation, after grasping the handle of the trailer’s leg and after closing the trailer’s door.

3- When you should wear a mask and protective glasses. Drivers who will be in contact with other people such as: shippers and shipping or receiving personnel, mechanics, tire dealers, food stalls and colleagues meeting, must wear a mask and maintain a distance of 6 feet.

You should wear protective glasses when you enter in a closed place, with many people working, or waiting for documents. The virus is in the air and can enter through the eyes, even if you are wearing your mask and latex or silicone gloves. It is necessary to follow these recommendations to avoid becoming infected and then infect the family or others.

4- The correct use and care of the mask is very important. - Masks are available everywhere today, either disposable or reusable. The disposable masks last only a few hours and then you have to throw them away in a bag.

Reusable masks are those that are made of a fabric that does not allow the virus to pass through and you can wash them daily every time you get home from work. Wash your hands before putting on the mask, make sure that it covers your nose and mouth, you should not touch the outside of your mask with your hand, because the virus may be lodged there.

Also, don`t keep your mask under your jaw because when you put it on again to be in contact with someone, you can accidentally grab the outside where the virus is and be infected. It is best to remove it from ear loops. Remember truck driver friend, don’t touch your face until you wash your hands with soap and water or put alcohol gel on your hands.

5- Use of latex or silicone gloves – The use of latex or silicone gloves is recommended if truck drivers have contact with a person or when they have to connect the cables of their truck to the trailer, grab the handle to raise the trailer’s legs, grab the handles of the trailer’s doors, if they are constantly changing trailers and there are many truckers who use them.

Do not wear your regular work gloves, because the virus can lodge there, and they hardly ever get washed throughly. Prevention is better than regret later. Wear disposable gloves during this pandemic.

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Edic.: 156
Autor: El Trailero Magazine
Date: 7/2020
