Many truckers notice that their sex increases in quantity, quality, and intensity during the warmer season of the year. And the main reason is because the libido of the truckers and their partners increase a lot during that period. But why is this increase in libido noticed during the summer?
Physiological causes:
It could be possibly related to the fact that sexual desire is regulated by hormones, during the summer the sun`s rays produce up to 90% of the body`s vitamin D. Consequently, male truck drivers who have a sufficient amount of this vitamin in their body have a higher level of testosterone, the sex hormone of men. Sunlight also affects the female sex, since it increases the alertness and energy of both sexes.
Social causes:
Truckers generally take advantage of that time of year to take a few days off. By keeping their minds off the road and having more leisure and rest time, they are more likely to not think as much about their obligations as a trucker and give rein to their imagination.
The summer heat and more flexible hours provide occasions for leisure activities, such as dining out or going to a concert, situations that can lead to increased sexual desire. Even the clothing chosen by the trucker`s partner, who is likely to choose to wear more provocative outfits and showing more skin than is shown during in the winter, will attract the truck drivers and increase their sex desire.
Obviously, it cannot be generalized, since everything depends on the circumstance of life of each trucker and their mental and health status, but it is very likely that the truck drivers anxiously await the arrival of summer. Probably, they associate this season of the year with great memories, often related to their sexual relationships.
It is very possible that this year with the COVID-19, everything related to leisure and tourism activities will be different. But it is up to the truckers and theirs partners to use their imagination to take advantage of the good weather, without jeopardizing their health, at the same time that they enjoy each other`s company and give free rein to their sexual desires.
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