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How to achieve success as an owner operator

How to achieve success as an owner operator

Sometimes owner-operators end up being their worst enemies in the business and do things that lead them to be unsuccessful. One of the most common mistakes is that they always want to earn the same and they don`t understand that during the year there are good months and bad months.

There are also those who change companies for one that offers more time at home. But then they’ll realize that a parked truck does make for good decoration if they can’t keep up with the monthly payments.

Here are some tips that could help you to be prosperous in your business:

- Build a long-term and trustful relationship with a carrier. You probably haven`t noticed, but changing carriers costs you money, and often, you’ll blame yourself because you didn`t investigate the company well enough. Ask about prices, deductions, safety record, clients, routes, frequency and method of payment, etc. Research well before signing and do not make any hasty decisions so that you do not have to start again soon. If you can, ask questions to truckers that work there.

- Trucker friends, you should understand the economy in this sector you are entering. Avoid joining companies that are in a recession. Look for companies that work with growing industries, have good customers, and have time in the business. Companies where you see truckers start working and quickly leaving is a typical red flag and are not good places to build a long-term relationship.

- Keep income and income expectations realistic. Save money in reserve for when things slow down. Be aware of your expenses and live within your means.

- When you choose a truck, check the specifications well so that you can get the best out of your vehicle. Consider an owner-operator as a business. Your truck is your tool. Do the required maintenance of your truck. Make your truck a money machine.

- Understand and accept that companies will pay you only for the work you do. You will earn more money only if you are willing to work more.

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Edic.: 153
Autor: Juan Peña
Date: 4/2020
