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PRECO Electronics helps monitor truck blind spots

PRECO Electronics helps monitor truck blind spots

PreView Side Defender®II is able now to monitor and identify VRU (vulnerable road users) and ignore unmoving objects, in addition to its blind lane change warning function. Features that favors the decrease lane change collisions and incidents in congested urban environments.

PRECO’s system consists in a compact and robust close-range radar sensor designed for busses, waste vehicles, trucks and other types of heavy-duty vehicles that requires high output radar for the side blind zone.

The company affirms that this enhancement is a response to the fleets, governments and cities demand to avoid collisions by using advanced technology to reduce accidents with vulnerable road users. PRECO assures that its solution is the most adequate to avoid side crashes for heavy trucks.

Side Defender II’s in-cab display provides operators with visual and audible alerts within a fraction of a second; this way they can do the safest move and action to avoid accidents. Furthermore, it’s possible to integrate other tools to it, such as vision systems, telematic applications, vehicle control systems or other type of sensors that use the standard communications of the industry.

The system works through intelligent operating modes that contribute to the decrease of misleading alerts as result of static objects, like guardrails. The system also offers side object detection. If the sensor detects a collision threat object the operator will receive an alert in the system’s display.

The operators can act fast to avoid a collision in response to the detection of any threat thanks to sensor designed to identify objects within 300ms. PRECO’s radar measures reflectivity, angle, speed, radial range in addition to various moving or static objects at the same time. For more information about PreView Side Defender®II please visit the website

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Edic.: 143
Autor: El Trailero Magazine
Date: 6/2019
