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Prison time for leaking Jennifer Lawrence naked photos

Prison time for leaking Jennifer Lawrence naked photos

The man who, in 2014, made public photos of the actress without clothes, George Garofano, was found guilty about his hacking actions acceding Jennifer’s iCloud account and leaking her nude pictures. He became a big target of the FBI and Apple for hacking and leaking not only Jennifer Lawrence’s account but also the 240 other accounts, including Kirsten Dunst and Kate Upton.

The judge, Victor A. Bolden, sentenced the hacker, to spend eight months in a federal jail, after this time he will be let out of jail on parole during three years. Jennifer Lawrence used the emojis of the hands praising through her twitter account to express her feelings about Garofano’s sentence.

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Edic.: 135
Autor: El Trailero Magazine
Date: 10/2018
